Let us tackle your astronomical processing challenges!
PARSEC Solutions LLC (PARticle processing, Spray Engineering and
Commercialization) provides technical consulting and custom technology design and development services in the fields of:
Powder processing/particle formation
Fluid mechanics/spray atomization
Heat/mass transfer
Combustion systems
Specializing in the following applications:
Pharmaceutical powder production (pulmonary and oral delivery)
Spray drying and supercritical fluid techniques
Powder processing system and hardware evaluation
Process development and scale-up of powder production processes and hardware from bench to full commercial scale systems
Processing cost analysis
Custom hardware design and development
Spray nozzles
Mixing chambers
Particle/gas separation
General thermo-fluid system performance evaluation, analysis and hardware design services
From process analysis to custom hardware development
Herman Snyder PhD
1281 Win Hentschel Blvd.
Purdue Technology Center
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 237-3392